live stream

  1. Redux


    Im working on a transportation startup and hit a roadblock when trying to solve one of our features for our client app. We are a B2B and work exclusively with medical centers and im trying to find out if there is (or how to build) a feature for providing live access to the interior dash cams for...
  2. P

    Can I access videos from 522 mynextbase dashcam remotely.

    IPhone or laptop is not anywhere near the dashcam and without the chip adapter. Sorry, I’m a complete non-technical. Have been googling my way with this and just not able to figure it out. With adaptor, I know I can access last 3-4 days of videos. But remotely, is it possible to view live...
  3. Nigel Chow

    4G live stream dash cam

    Hello everyone . This is Nigel from AU. I am a dash camera hardware engineer. Nice to meet you all , so gald that i can find this forum, Many thanks to this forum makers. My team and i are developing a new dash camera. And now we are a little bit confused about the functions of our product...
  4. Sekaman

    Live Streaming on Facebook/YouTube?

    Does anybody know, is this possible with "budget cam's". The idea is to make easy and durable setup for the rallycar, so that they could stream live. Needed gear would be phone and the cam. I know that GoPro, HTC RE and Sony is capable for this. And YI 4K with latest firmware :) But how about...