DR970X Plus Series - Testing/Review - RCG

During my morning trip into town, I stopped and captured thermal pics of a DR970X-2CH Plus camera. The max temp was on the right end (end with cables connections) at 116.2F/46.8C. The second hottest spot was located at the left edge of the mount for the front camera at 109.1F/42.8C. The coolest location was on the touch sensor end at 100.8F/38.2C. The outside temp was 66F/18.9C and the passenger compartment temp was 68F/20C.

The DR970X-2CH Plus has firmware v1.002 installed. It's recording H.265 video with the default video bitrate setting of "Extreme" to a BlackVue 256 GB memory card. I currently have multiple dash cameras drawing power from a BlackVue B-130X dash camera, so my power consumption reading in the app will be skewed to a high value. I'll have to fall back to my previous power consumption testing of this dash camera (see below).

DR970X Plus Firmware recording settings (click to expand)

Power consumption results (click to expand):

Thermal pics of the front camera:
1714497259416.jpeg1714497178457.jpeg 1714497196609.jpeg 1714497212520.jpeg

Here are three thermal pics of the rear RC110F camera. I didn't have it mounted on any window glass in this vehicle (during this test), but I wanted to make sure it was connected to the front so the video processing load was as "high" as possible.

1714497384440.jpeg 1714497398607.jpeg 1714497415389.jpeg
In case anyone is wondering what that "block" is in between the DR970X Plus front camera mount and the windshield glass, it's a mounting block that I 3-D printed using ABS+ filament. It allows me to more tightly group the dash cameras on my car's windshield to avoid the dash camera blocking the driver's line of sight.
I just received this message from Blackvue support regarding the noise issue with the DR970x Box Plus:

According to our 2nd level support, the noise during parking mode can be due to the microphone level which is set to highest to support voice call.

They said that they are checking if they are able to reduce the mic level.

Customer can confirm that this noise is not present when the mic is off. (Audio recording).

So hopefully they'll have a patch in the works very soon because this is quite annoying.
When my Pittasoft support contact was replying to my emails (he's ignoring my email again), he did state that the DR970X Box Plus microphone recording level was much higher than the other DR970X Plus series units. He stated they would be trying reduce the recording level to resolve the loud audio recording levels.