Jumpy Video


New Member
Feb 25, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
Mini 8085
I recently bought a Mini 8085 on a friends recommendation. He loves it so I figured how can I go wrong? It is all installed with the GPS module and all. My first short test run seemed to be fine. On my first true drive, the play back is jumpy (video not the road) with short bursts of smooth playback. Any thoughts?
Yup. It is a class 10 card and the files were copied to the pc before playback. I just reformatted the card and will do some driving tonight and if that doesn't work I will try another card. I will post what I get tomorrow. I was just hoping someone else had the same issue and knew a quick fix.
have you checked the files on a different computer?

if you upload a sample clip somewhere others could also check, jumpy playback is more often PC/Codec related than anything else
So, I tried my video on my pc and had the same results, but on my Mac it was perfect. I guess my pc can't handle the high resolution of the video. Is there any good playback software for Mac that will work with the GPS data from the Mini 8085?
On my PC i used Media player and the software that comes from the website. I would rather use my Mac since the PC is not up to snuff and I am generally a Mac user.
By "website" I mean RegistratorViewer from SplashEtech.net (which is only for PC not Mac)
Found it, installed and got it working. Thank you! Not sure whey the manual for the 8085 sends you to a site with only a windows player. Thanks again!!!
I tried Dashcam Viewer By Earthshine Software, but it does not read my GPS data.
KMKPhoto, I apologize for the trouble you were having. When you copied the movie files to your hard drive did you also copy the GPS files? Dashcam Viewer expects that to find the GPS data in the "gps" folder two levels up from the movie folder. The folder/file structure on your hard drive should mirror the structure on your microSD card (see below). The primary issue reported to me from 0805 customers is the inability for DCV to play movies at resolutions higher than 1080p. There was another issue with GPS data not showing up when movies are played from the internal memory card, but this problem was corrected and the file will be in the next release (v1.7.1).

