Out of contact?


New Member
Jul 18, 2022
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United Kingdom
Am looking to buy the 2 channel version but won't have it on all the time. I see that it uses GPS and iCloud.

Question: If the device is switched off can your location and speed be transmitted?

Thanks in advance for any helpful comments.
Welcome to the forum Flip_Flop

Normally you can choose to not have the speed watermarked on your recordings.
I am not familiar with this brand / model but if it is off then surely it will not do anything, if it is on, and the GPS and Cloud thing are on than yes as i recall there is a option in these to remote connect to it and see stuff.
If the GPS are not on then you will not see the speed and location of course, if the cloud are not turned on or there are no SIM card in the camera / it dont have wifi access to a wifi Access Point in the car ( ATM not all smart dashcams have the SIM inside some require a outside AP to go thru )
Anyway then you can of course not remote access the camera in any way and so you can not see anything.

Just like a WIFI CCTV camera, the dashcam will be access protected with a password, so its not like someone could browse the internet and find you driving around there, actually i dont even think these smart cameras have a live streaming option, but you can log onto it and see live what is going on.

Thats my 2 pence worth, but you better wait for people with actual experience to be 100 % as one should always endeavor to be.
I will tag in @Vortex Radar he is our resident Blackvue expert, but he is in the states so time wise a bit offset from us
That's great, kamkar and thank you very much for your welcome and very helpful comments cum suggestions.

I would stress that there is nothing sinister in my requirement not to have location and speed known in certain circumstances.
well speed can always be determined from just the video itself as a factor of X meters traveled in XX.XX seconds, this could be the distance between a lamp post and a sign for instance, something that can be measured accurate.
Then it is just a matter of irrefutable math to get the KMH speed

Actually i think no court would probably rely on the speed logged by the cheap GPS units in our cameras, even police have to account for inaccuracy in their equipment, well Danish police have to.
My friend got measured going 56 in a 50 zone, then they deduct 5kmh to account for inaccuracy, so my friend got a fine for speeding 1 kmh over.

If you have privacy concerns,,,,, that is only valid in this day and age, every human on earth should be worried about that.
Many thank, kamkar, for your comments. And your observation about the, 'cheap GPS units in our camera'. That now brings to mind that GPS can also be affected by height, or so I am told, so a moving vehicle travelling up and down hills could have a constantly variable accuracy. Actually the reason for turning off the dash cam would be on the open road, not in built-up areas.
If the dash cam is off, speed and GPS won't be transmitted.