Philips ADR810 Dashcam disassembly - Mic - Random


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Apr 7, 2016
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United Kingdom
Philips ADR810 disassembly - Mic - Random

Here's how you take the ADR810 apart:

And thats it !

ADR810 Internal snaps Below:

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Nice step by step instruction, but what was the reason you had to do this ?
Nice step by step instruction, but what was the reason you had to do this ?


Well I took it apart mainly because I wanted to try and mod the mic, and fit a external microphone jack, but I noticed there is no room at all to do this !

Also the memory can socket in these models have a problem, I bought 2 brand new ADR810 and both do not click the memory card in, and do not pop back out, like any other spring back memory card socket, so you need a pin to get the micro sd card out, but I noticed if you push hard down on the top shield cover on the micro sd card socket, then the spring function starts working like it should do, but it didn't work fine out of the box !

Overal it's not worth £140 !
Can you see what sensor and chipset is used?
Nice step by step instruction, but what was the reason you had to do this ?
I need to change the battery. So that is a good reason. I cannot see the images anymore. Does anyone has?
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