rear cam

  1. KlueBat

    Rear camera choices for a pickup truck

    Hey everyone! Long time lurker here, just setup my account for this question. I'm looking to install a rear-facing cam in the back of my 2005 Ford F150. I already have a setup to run 5V power through the headliner to the rear of the cab, now I just need a camera. My requirements are minimal...
  2. T

    Help! Dash and Rear Cam With Great Quality Video At Night???

    I have asked a few car shop installers and they quote me $200+ when I see 1080p cams on ebay for cheap. Many car installers scam, so I want to know from those who know cams and use them. I am new to the car cam community. But I am looking for a great quality, even at night, dash and rear view...
  3. U

    Does anyone have actual experience using the K1S in a flat rear window with privacy glass?

    Does anyone have experience using the K1S on a flat rear window with privacy glass? I have the original privacy glass bath that most new SUVs get at the factory. How did the K1S perform in your vehicle? I would also be interested to hear how you found nighttime video recording from such type...
  4. D

    Pre-Purchase questions...?

    Hi there, I'm looking to buy a Mobius for a rear-facing 'dash' cam. A few questions before I buy... 1 - Is "Bang Good" a genuine Mobius seller? Or are they fakes? 2 - Is the C2 the best wide-angle Mobius? 3 - Can you record in small clips (1, 3, 5 mins etc...)? 4 - When your card is full can...
  5. Henrique Dias Gonçalves

    Dashcam with backup cam input, help pls =)

    Hello guys, I am new here, but I've been reading the forum and would like to ask for your help. Here is what I am looking for in my first dash cam: - Under $150 (preferably less than $100) - Discreet (risk of being stolen) - Can stand high temperatures (I live in Rio de Janeiro, so expect...
  6. dhavie

    BlackVue new model DR650GW-2CH IR

    Guys, I got this information from my local dealers in Philippines. I heard same specs but with IR for the rear cam ONLY. Don't know how much yet. Anyone have any idea?