

New Member
Aug 22, 2022
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United Kingdom
This isn't so much a search for answers, more somewhere to vent... I bought a 622GW about nine months ago, and I have to say, I'm seriously underwhelmed by the performance. Even at 4K, night footage is worse than useless. I've witnessed several incidents which I didn't bother reporting as the reg. numbers of the vehicles involved were completely illegible. Somebody suggested reducing the resolution (don't understand why that would make an improvement) but I tried it anyway, with the result that even daytime footage is absolutely useless. I've been in contact with Nextbase a few times trying to get answers, but I'm really dissatisfied with the whole experience. Seems like a real waste of money. I've tried the polariser adjustment, the sky/road split etc., but nothing has improved the quality of the footage. I think the answer is to bin the Nextbase, but can anyone suggest a brand that actually works? :mad:
Might be helpful if you included an example of what you are complaining about. And are you comparing it with a previous dashcam that you considered better?

No brand produces a camera that can see well in complete darkness, there are limits to current technology, especially when reading plates, and generally, use of a 4K image sensor is not recommended for best night time recording, so it could be that what you are seeing is normal, or it could be that your camera is faulty. Hard to recommend something better when we don't know what your expectations are.

My expectations are that I can record useable footage. I don't think that's too much to ask. I don't have anything at the moment as I just formatted the card. Next time I have available footage, I'll post something.
My expectations are that I can record useable footage. I don't think that's too much to ask. I don't have anything at the moment as I just formatted the card. Next time I have available footage, I'll post something.
There is a big difference between recording who was at fault and recording an escaping hit and run plate, both are useable, and in an accident, normally only the former is needed. Most dashcams will record who is at fault, most dashcams will not reliably record plates in the dark, unless the relative speed is very close to zero. If you are trying to record oncoming cars at night, where the relative speed is 120mph, and want to read the plates, then almost no camera of any sort will do it.
My expectations are that I can record useable footage. I don't think that's too much to ask. I don't have anything at the moment as I just formatted the card. Next time I have available footage, I'll post something.

Your expectations are too high. Dashcam sensors are too small to give lovely clean footage. It's not like a TV camera, or a photographic camera sensor. There are almost no dashcam that gives plates clearly at night (if any).

The polariser reduces light too, so with that in use, its even darker, and even harder to read things at night.

Night examples:

