SG9663DC bug list


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia ~ Shenzhen, China
Dash Cam
Too many ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We are working on a firmware update at the moment, now that the cameras are going out and will be used in a wider variety of setups and circumstances there's a greater chance of finding something we may have missed, if anyone has any bugs they find can they please post here so we can get it looked at

Not looking at any wishlist type stuff, can keep a separate list for that, just need to concentrate on the basics right now, thanks
I don't know if this qualifies as a bug. Videos are a bit overexposed. White objects tend to be blown out.

When using wifi mode, the display reads "press SELECT" to exit. I don't know what button that is.
I don't know if this qualifies as a bug. Videos are a bit overexposed. White objects tend to be blown out.

When using wifi mode, the display reads "press SELECT" to exit. I don't know what button that is.

image quality adjustments still to come

press REC button to exit
IN THE FUTURE: User accessible fine focus adjustment via jewelers screwdriver.. maybe left/right adjust for flat focal plane on the sensor, and distance/infinity adjustment.
in the future it may well be adjustment via push button, all digital.
in the future it may well be adjustment via push button, all digital.
It's needed in some form, given that human error during assembly causes variances from sample to sample, as well as focus shift due to environmental factors such as heat related focus shift.
I noticed a couple of file naming anomalies with the DC I thought I would mention. Neither is a major issue but since they are there it may be indicative of something more that what it appears on the surface.

First - when I initially installed the DC I did the front camera first and tested then connected the rear camera. The first driving session after connecting the rear camera the 'B' file (rear camera) took the next sequential file number followed by the 'A' (front) file. All subsequent file pairings the 'A' file took the lower sequential file number. This appears to the be only instance of this behavior.


Second - Overnight on 11/29 the sequential file number spontaneously reset itself (or possibly just 'lost' the high order digit). We went out for dinner and parked the car for the night. Overnight the car was never started, the camera never removed and the SD card remained in the camera. The next morning I had a number of short(er) trips and when checking the files the sequential number went from 104 to 005 and continued upward from there. There were no files lost as '104' was the last file in the evening and '005' was the first of the following day.


As I said, neither of these is a big deal but may be indicative of 'something'.
thanks, will have a look at this, possibly related but it's best practice to format the card after changing settings that will relate to file naming, eg changing from one camera to two, or file size, eg changing resolution or bitrate (selectable bitrate is in the latest beta)
thanks, will have a look at this, possibly related but it's best practice to format the card after changing settings that will relate to file naming, eg changing from one camera to two, or file size, eg changing resolution or bitrate (selectable bitrate is in the latest beta)
I'm not surprised about the one camera to two scenario and did not realize that it would affect the naming convention. What other settings will affect file naming? ...and how?
Time/Date and other info is not displayed for rear Camera.
What other settings will affect file naming? ...and how?

incorrect time/date settings can cause problems also, a good idea to format the card after making changes, DST, timezone changes etc so anytime a setting like this is adjusted it's always good practice to format once the clock has synced back to local time
Time/Date and other info is not displayed for rear Camera.

have a couple of reports of this but haven't worked out which specific setting is causing this as yet, will work it out, if you can list the exact menu settings you have selected would be helpful
incorrect time/date settings can cause problems also, a good idea to format the card after making changes, DST, timezone changes etc so anytime a setting like this is adjusted it's always good practice to format once the clock has synced back to local time
That is pretty intuitive. It was your comment about bit rate/file size/resolution that piqued my curiosity and prompted the question. Are there naming convention differences based on those parameters?
Are there naming convention differences based on those parameters?

no, the bitrate or resolution changes are about file size, which can effect recycling, I just mentioned those as another time when formatting is a good idea
I think situations like this might need to be highlighted in the manual, cuz i am sure users would make some changes and then just carry on like nothing happened.

Maybe it would be a good idea to have a prompt about this like say when changing bitrate on the camera, and maybe also in the firmware update TXT for the people that use another memory card for updating FW.
I think situations like this might need to be highlighted in the manual, cuz i am sure users would make some changes and then just carry on like nothing happened.

Maybe it would be a good idea to have a prompt about this like say when changing bitrate on the camera, and maybe also in the firmware update TXT for the people that use another memory card for updating FW.

we generally include updated user manual with the firmware release versions, particularly when there are functional changes
have a couple of reports of this but haven't worked out which specific setting is causing this as yet, will work it out, if you can list the exact menu settings you have selected would be helpful
i cant work it out either and i have been trying to reproduce it several times now.
i cant work it out either and i have been trying to reproduce it several times now.
I have tried resetting and leaving at default several times and nothing changes. Perhaps someone could post the settings of one that is working perfectly so I could try those.
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so you are saying that at default settings the text doesn't show up on the rear cam??
just try any other setting it should work. faulty cam??