SG9663DCPRO beta firmware

Even if there's extra events from getting out and back in to the car, it's pretty obvious because those happen around the time you leave and return to the car, so I think ultra sensitive parking g-sensor would be quite welcome.
these settings are still being fine tuned

So just keep plugging away on your camera, and let jokiin know if you find something thats not to your liking or maybe totally out of order,,,,,,, you could theoretically have a broken G - sensor,,,,,,, probably the first one but still it is a option.
How about in the player, are there no movement in the G sensor values at all ? cuz if they read 0 when you are driving then the sensor got to be broken.
G-Sensor data is not logged so nothing will show in the player regardless
Yeah i figure its just a matter of tweaking the values, which i assume ( sound of cracking ice ) are pretty strait forward to do.
I did think G sensor values was logged, so knowing it are not the case my suggestion are not a option.
Yeah i figure its just a matter of tweaking the values, which i assume ( sound of cracking ice ) are pretty strait forward to do.
pretty much, it's just a numerical value, we just adjusted the values in the parking G-Sensor option in the last version but it's a case of test and try, nothing to suggest that the changes are final
What are the options ? 4 settings : very low - low - med - high or maybe what i would prefer if its just for parking low - med - high - very high.
i dont think i have ever triggered the gsensor in the sg9663dc or even the sg9665gc, i have them both set on high.
the sgzc12rc is easily triggered as is the SGZC12SG when set on medium, just have to brake really hard or corner really hard.
I would like the highest setting to be just about where strong gusts of wind or a truck / buss passing by your curb side parked car almost set off a recording.

Could it be a option in the future to do custom sensor values if the update setting from document approach become viable. ?
What i was thinking if you could do the update / save settings to doc, then it could look something like this in relation to parking mode G-sensor.

Parkingmode : 1 ( on )
Parking mode video : 1 ( 1080/30 low bitrate )
Parkingmode G sensor : 1 ( on )
Parking mode G sensor sensitivity : 3 ( high ) / X = 0.712 - Y = 0.700 - Z = 0.722
For instance, so you could edit the X - Y and Z values maybe,,,,, or maybe those are layered deeper than the general settings and so can not be pulled up and edited this way.

Just thinking out loud again.
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Once again i make things too simple,,,,,, imagine how wonderful my world would be :D
I've used the 30fps parking mode for two days now, parking my car out in the sun all day near the bus stop while I'm at work, for about 10-12 hours each day. It recorded perfectly fine with no heat or battery drain issues.

I've reviewed the footage, and it's really fantastic! Quality is great, totally able to make out number plates, which is super important. It uses about 40mb per minute (quality set to high, not sure if it affects parking), which is pretty good. I have a 256GB card and it's able to fit about 3 full days worth.

It captures everything that happens, but that also makes it a nightmare to search through to find when a scrape or something happened, if the g-sensor doesn't pick it up.

As a workaround for now, I downloaded a free video editing software called Shortcut, and imported all the videos, which it is able to do relatively quickly and scanned through the audio waveform to find any unusual spikes. That's the quickest way I could find of scanning through to find incidents. Generally, any even minor incident will cause sound to be heard. Any tool which allows you to visualise the audio waveform will work really, the specific one I mentioned isn't necessary.

In my old car, I had a ThinkWare F800 Pro. There's plenty of annoying things about this camera, which is why I didn't get it this time, but there were two things that were really great.

1) the g-sensor picking up even door/boot closing, which may seem too sensitive, but if your car experiences something as strong as a door closing while parked and it wasn't you, then something has most likely happened.

2) it saying out loud how many parking events occurred when I come back to the car. Now the ThinkWare didn't have a screen, so audio was it's only way to quickly communicate. The point is though, being able to easily figure out if events were recorded. With the Street Guardian and it's awesome screen, simply being able to see the RO folder seperate to all the other recordings would make it really quick to not only see if events occurred while you were away, but also at a glance, if they're worth looking at, since there are thumbnails.

If something that addresses these two things was done, the parking mode in the SG would absolutely spank the likes of ThinkWare and Blackvue for sure!
The parking modes are still it its infancy i recon, there will be plenty of adjustments to that in the time to come.
parking mode is something we are still fine tuning, it has been a case of add each feature one at a time and get them dialed in before moving onto the next
I hope you don't think I was complaining xD I understand that it's slowly being developed, and that's great! Incremental improvements that work are way better than huge changes with many bugs. I was just giving feedback based on how I'm using it, just in case it's useful for you guys in developing the camera further. I really love it so far and can't wait to see how it grows!
Is 1.15 still beta? I want to be sure to update to the latest stable firmware now that I have a functioning card. Thank you.
Is 1.15 still beta? I want to be sure to update to the latest stable firmware now that I have a functioning card. Thank you.
we are working on more changes but 1.15 will most likely be the next release