Viofo A119 Mini - Overheating Issue

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has any updates on the overheating issue with this dashcam? Going to be purchasing my first dashcam and have my eyes set on this one, but want to make sure this issue is sorted first. Is this an issue that needs to be corrected with Viofo tweaking the hardware or something that will be corrected with firmware updates?

I saw that Vortex Radar had contacted Viofo about this and they said they have done some "optimizations" to address the overheating issue. It's just a bit ambiguous what that means? Does that mean they have tweaked the hardware and I should wait for a while to get one from a new batch?

Any info would be much appreciated, thanks!

Me too. Scheduled for an install in 2 weeks of whatever dashcam I bring him. Was planning on the Vifo 139, but am suddenly spooked - however, the reviewers I saw didn't hae much to say that anything else is nuch better. and they did not mention overheating. Pretty sure they would have mentioned it.
Me too. Scheduled for an install in 2 weeks of whatever dashcam I bring him. Was planning on the Vifo 139, but am suddenly spooked - however, the reviewers I saw didn't hae much to say that anything else is nuch better. and they did not mention overheating. Pretty sure they would have mentioned it.

Problems solved. I didn't think the Endurance card solved but it did.

The camera stopped freezing already after formatting with the tool from Viofo and the new card reduced the temperature more.

Thank you guys for helping me with my problems.

Regards (y)