Why GPS?


New Member
Mar 30, 2013
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As a newbie to this subject I have a question. Why do I need GPS on my dash cam? I already have a GPS in the vehicle and don't see a need for another -- or am I missing something?
Having the GPS will show just how fast you were driving. People like to embellish the truth when giving their side of the story. When you show the video you will be able to prove just how fast or slow you were going.

Last year a woman called my employer and said that I was getting airborne when going over the speed bumps in the neighborhood. Well, showed the video to my boss and we all had a good laugh. Video proved I was doing the speed limit, 30mph, and that I was NOT getting airborne.

Having the speed on the video can also get you out of a ticket.
Late 2011 a State Trooper pulled me over. Said he got me on radar doing 72 mph.
There was 3 other cars going in the same direction as me at the time.
He just gave me a verbal warning.
When I got home I reviewd the video. I had topped out at 68 mph.
If he had given me a ticket I would have video proof and saved myself some money.
Got Trance said:
I had topped out at 68 mph.
If he had given me a ticket I would have video proof and saved myself some money.

Maybe not.
Skilled person can alter firmware and reduce speed reading x/kmh in less that 15 minutes.
And before you ask, i'm not such person :(
Maybe so, but that would be before the video was made. Not after. Why would anyone want to alter that anyway? Too many ways to prove it is showing the wrong speed.
Got Trance said:
Why would anyone want to alter that anyway?

Well, why some people have radar detectors...
Point is that court not necessarily believe your speed readings, because they are not calibrated and can be easily changed before or after.
Ok, then what you just stated is a very good reason not to waste time altering the code to get a different reading.
And like I stated, there are other ways to prove the speed.
I don't have gps on my cam BUT I do have it on my satnav & phone. TBH, the only time I find it to be accurate is when I'm maxed out on the motorway in my bus.
Satnav & phone say 62mph, tacho says 100kph, speedo says 68mph - go figure!
Interestingly, the other week I was in slow-ish traffic, sat alongside a French car with digital dash. They were doing 20mph, my satnav didn't get above 15.

I was also called into the office over an allegation of speeding. Using the time stamp on the video between two known, fixed, points in the road, we were able to calculate my speed as being well below 30mph - even if you play with the video speed, the time stamp would give it away.
What I do love is the roadside speed awareness signs we sometimes get. If I know where one has been placed, I do like to test out 'the system', take her up to the speed limit & hold her stable whilst approaching the sign, it flashes your speed & a smiley face if under the limit.
To prove a speed based on a video is easy. use the same cam, go at a static speed. such as

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. in the same car, in the same stretch of the road.

Now take each footage and compare it to the video footage speed, simply time how fast the objects are moving in the actual footage vs their speed in the test footage. You will have an approximation already.

to narrow it down further, repeat the video capture again in between the zones noted and you will get a very accurate time frame by time frame traveling speed.

And in all reality, GPS speed are usually lagged behind by a few seconds...
Hi, This is very nice to meet to all of you for getting infomration about the home, auto cams and secuiry alarms. so I just want to ask I can install a GPS externally. I have old model of honda and I want to install it.