A bunch of my own dash cam videos......


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2016
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United States
It seems every week I'm uploading some kinda crazy footage from my dash cam.

Camera used: Ambarella 0801 EBay knockoff (picked up a bunch for $30 bucks a pop years ago and they've all served me very well)

Hormblasters :) too bad i cant fit something like that in my little car and the compressor would eat half its power.
Hormblasters :) too bad i cant fit something like that in my little car and the compressor would eat half its power.

There's always room for train horns lol

I have them in everything from my daily beaters to my golf carts ;)

Nice collection. LOOOOVE the horns
Here's one from this morning while leaving work....

Some idiot in front of me wasn't paying attention and nearly gets creamed by an Acura

They were in their own little world. o_O
FedEx truck got its roof taken off last night :eek: (basically same stretch of road the U-Haul truck got scalped in the other video)

Was that a grand piano in some form of crate in the back of that trailer
Short clip on Southern State last week

Might sound like I'm speeding, but my buzzy little Scion likes to rev and go nowhere lol

I have 5% limo tint, so I'll be cutting out a peep hole for the rear camera soon
Whether drifting or changing lane, they idiots are a danger to themselves and everyone else. :mad:
OK, so there's a local McDonalds that has been running a towing scam for some time now.

They use spotters to prey on customers (and non customers) the second they step foot off the property, then swoop in with a tow truck and drag their vehicle away (sometimes by one wheel) causing major damage.

The tow company would then overcharge them to drop their vehicles demanding cash only and many times would move them over to another street instead of taking them to a safe storage facility.

Since late last year, I'd stop by for a salad before starting my shift and eat in the parking lot while my dash cam (and GoPros) recorded their criminal activities and I'd upload them to youtube.

Had a 2 month hiatus and when I got returned, I guess they realized I was the one that exposed their racket and the tow truck driver tried to block my path and detain me.

The next day, he was arrested for assault.

Inside Edition picked up on the story and ran it last week


Playlist of my videos:

Make sure you get a permanent restraining order against the company and any of it's agents or employees, otherwise the stupid turtballs will find ways to keep on harassing you. I'd also be getting in touch with McD's corporate HQ through my lawyer demanding that they disallow any of their restaurants from using this company or having them doing any work on any of it's controlled properties. With this being a "hot news" item right now, they will probably oblige to save face publicly. You did well here and kudos, but CYA my friend for this can be a nasty world.

Already contacted McDonalds months ago.
Got a call back from corporate the very next day saying they were flying in from Chicago the following a Monday to interview the franchise owner and all of the managers at the location because they do not tolerate such activities on their property.
I guess they were just blowing smoke cause they continued to tow for months after.
However, after countless complaints and video footage of their racket, the DCA pulled their license and a Cyclone City Towing has since been shut down.
Testing new camera positions

Pair of Mini 0906's with main cams pointed outside and the satellite cams facing inside

I may relocated the satellite cams to the B pillars facing inside for a side view
Those guys have a death-wish, which is fine if they can manage to fine peace alone.