Camera disconnects from mobile hotspot and won't reconnect unless...


Active Member
Aug 9, 2013
Reaction score
A Dutchy in the South of France
Dash Cam
TWO Thinkware's U10002CH (rear cams used as side cams)
Camera disconnects from mobile hotspot, won't reconnect unless I reconnect it to my Iphone's hotspot first.

Then, when i switch off the hotspot on my Iphone, the camera reconnects to the mobile hotspot.

this happens to BOTH my cameras (in same car)

I'm on the latest FW

Mobile hotspot has a strong signal and I have no problems connecting to it using any other device

Any ideas .....?
Is there a option to prioritize wifi ?
Just throwing ball here as a not wifi using guy
You must have your phone's hotspot showing in the app, as through that you connect other hotspots.
I only have my iphone and that one other mobile hotspot connected.

It worked fine before, but haven't used the cameras for 7 months and jsut now installed them again.

The only 2 things that are different:
- I updated the FW
- I set cameras & hotspot to 5gh

Come to think of it... maybe it's the 5gh.... i know this frequency can be problematic
the cameras lost their connection when they came out of park mode.
but the hotspot kept stating that they were connected...

So I changed the hotspot from 5gh back to 2.4 and now all is ok again.
(Even with the cameras still being set to 5gh)
Camera disconnects from mobile hotspot, won't reconnect unless I reconnect it to my Iphone's hotspot first.

Then, when i switch off the hotspot on my Iphone, the camera reconnects to the mobile hotspot.

this happens to BOTH my cameras (in same car)

I'm on the latest FW

Mobile hotspot has a strong signal and I have no problems connecting to it using any other device

Any ideas .....?
The app on ios isn’t optimized I’ve always had connection issues so I’ve used my alternative android device (Samsung S10+) and it’s been flawlessly working with the camera app so far.