Keep Wi-Fi On


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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London, UK
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
VIOFO A139, VIOFO A139 Pro, VIOFO A119 Mini 2, VIOFO A229...
@VIOFO-Support is there a way to keep the Wi-Fi on, even if nothing is connected? I am making some meddling inventions and require it.
If nothing connects for 5? minutes then it is supposed to turn off, mainly to reduce heat generation for long dashcam life, and save power for longer battery life, and some people don't want unnecessary radiation going through their heads only a meter away from the transmitter!

So I believe it would need a setup option to alter its behaviour, and you will need to make a good case for that option to be added...

What are you trying to do, anything exciting or useful?
Hi, if nothing is detected within 10 minutes, WIFI will turn off automatically, it is not suggested to keep wifi on for too long, special for A139, as it increases its consumption dramatically.
We recommend you use the dashcam WiFi for settings change, and video download.
For daily use, not necessary to keep the WiFi connected.
It was for 24/7 remote access but nevermind.
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