New Mini 0805 Video Washed Out


New Member
Feb 14, 2016
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Dash Cam
Orange menu GS1000 (died), now Mini 0805 GPS
Hi all. I've been using a Mini 0805 I bought Jan 2016 and never had a problem, so bought a new one and will put the old one in my wife's car.

Problem is the video on the new one is very washed out (overly bright) and the only setting I can see to try to remedy that is EV. I guessed I'd have to go negative so tried -1.0 but it still looks much the same.

The manual I got with it said there should be a setting called Contrast and Sharpness but it's not in my menu (version DVR 2019022IQ V5).

White balance and ISO Sensitive are both set to auto and I can't see any other setting which could affect it.

Any suggestions please?

for short sample.

Thanks in advance.

Blech that does look pretty horrible.
You could try flashing a different firmware:

Flash to 20160317_1A7_805_ZX; I've bricked a Mini 0805 by using 20170213 - so don't use that one.

EDIT: curious; what is your meter set at? Spot / Centre / Average. I think mine are all Average - ISO, EV, etc all 0. Getting decent results with that setup.
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Thanks DigitalJer. Unfortunately my menu doesn't have a setting for meter as that's the first thing I went looking for.

I've been reluctant to flash different software for fear of bricking it but looks like I might have to.
I've been reluctant to flash different software for fear of bricking it but looks like I might have to.
if you still get the same result it's a faulty CMOS sensor, if you change the firmware you may have issues returning it so might be an idea to talk to the seller first
Very good point thanks jokiin!
I have exactly the same problem as Covo.
I found by covering the lens for second would make the cam auto exposure work.
Mind would only be a problem at start up, auto exposure would work fine after that, so not a hardware fault.
Otherwise cam work fine, this is also my second 805, first one 4 yrs old, still going strong.
Covo did you try changing the firmware, and if so did it fix the problem?
Covo did you try changing the firmware, and if so did it fix the problem?
On the basis as jokiin said I could have problems returning it if I attempted an "unauthorised" firmware change I contacted the eBay seller who said not to but has been in contact with the manufacturer supposedly.

Eventually got tired of nothing happening so contacted them the other day saying I wanted to return it and they said they'd send me a new "authorised" file.

I replied saying fine but asked what happens if I brick it or still has the problem. Waiting for a reply.
OK, good luck with your seller, I know from experience some can be good, some can be bad.
I might try flashing the firmware in cam with the version, DigitalJer mentioned above in next week, and advise how I go.
It's the same seller I bought 2 Mini 0805s from in early 2016 and he was very helpful, so although his delays in getting things moving have been frustrating he has now sent me a new firmware file. We've been away for a week so I applied the update this morning and it looked to be successful. However, with the fires here in Australia there was no point trying it today as there was no actual sunlight at all through the haze. Hopefully it will be a better day tomorrow to try it, though I still suspect it's just a faulty camera. :(
That good to hear about your seller, I have try some of the firmware version linked form this forum, but the cam does not recognize the the bin files, but my old cam does.
Let us know how you go with the firmware you were sent.
Yes those fires are great concern in your neck of the woods.
Still not overly bright today to be sure if the update has solved the problem but certainly seems to look better! See

Not that it matters for this but I obviously accidentally muted it. My wife repositioned the base for me given I'm disabled but put it on an angle. :(
You can try and lower your EV setting, maybe try another form of metering if that's a option in the camera.
Mind you if you get the skies to look better, down at road level it might get a bit darker.

IMO i don't mind much if skies are blown out in a dashcam, as long as what go on down at road level are fine, to me the dashcams are not cinematic devices.
That was the original problem - see post #1.
Yeah #1 look really blown out.
You can also try and aim the camera a few degrees higher so it would take more of its metering information from the bright sky, most new cameras can work fine with a 50/50 split at the horizon, but in the old days the recommendation was 40/60 split so more dash / ground than sky in the frame.

It is always a good idea to play around a little to familiarize you with your new "toy"
Yep, if I was new to dashcams, or even 0805s I'd agree but this 0805 is replacing one I bought 4 years ago in Jan 2016 so am familiar with what the results should be plus have been using dashcams of one sort or another for almost 10 years. I knew this current cam had a problem so was trying to work out with the seller whether to just send it back and get another (faulty dashcam) or whether it was something which might be fixed by a firmware update. Firmware update looks promising but unfortunately with all the smoke haze from our bushfires we haven't had a bright enough day to be sure yet, so returning it is still an option. :)
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