SG9665GC and +32 GB memory cards


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
I have made the change to the 64 Gb card witch use to reside in my mobius, so far with just 10 minutes of footage on the card it work fine. :)

In my mobius the card was FAT32 so first i formatted it in my computer to the native exFAT format, then put it in the SG9665GC witch dident want anything to do with it in that state.
So i hit up the menu on the Dashcam and did a in camera format, and after that all was good.

Will report back here when the card have filled up and start to delete older files to make room for new recordings, i assume thats when the problems pop up if thats the case.

PS. card i am using is a kingston SDXC 64 GB / NO427-005.A00LF
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Put the SG on a PSU and started to record around 19:30 ( unsure start time ) last night and it had stopped recording 23:23, this i saw at 02:27 AM and the camera was locked up only responding to me pressing the power button to shut it down.
Presed the power button again and the SG started to record again, and it was still recording at 10:00 this morning.
I am not sure if it was when the card got full it stopped, so i will now wipe it again and start over, and this time stop and inspect SD card when if / when it stop recording.

Seem like it can be done, but have a little first time problem when the card get full. hopefully its somthing Rick and the guys can fix down the road as i think 64 Gb is where most ppl would like to be.

I have 162 files on the card now and 3.7 GB available space on card, i am using 3 minute segment size.
Most files beeing complete ones at 367.400 KB size.
The kingston listed above.

Offcourse it could just be my kingston thats not popular with the SG dashcam, but i have no other one to try with at the moment, this i assume this will change during this week.
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With a fresh card in exFAT you just put it in the camera and format, not sure if having it in the other formats you had first impacts that at all
yeah it was formatted to fat32 for use in the mobius, but before putting it in the SG i formatted it ( using windows 7 ) to the native exFAT format.
And every time i have done that i get a card error when i put it in the dashcam, but a incam format then fix that and it record just fine,,,, seemingly untill the card fill up.

I will try some things during the day, right now the camera is back on the window sill recording what go on down on the street.

PS. after having the camera off for a little hour when i put it back on the window sill where the GPS antenna allso is the camera was 2:00 minutes about getting a GPS fix.
will allso try to keep a eye on that during the day, though a window sill ( south facing window ) is not the optimal place for a GPS antenna.
Well well well :rolleyes: second set dident take long, recorded 12 normal 3 minute segments before camera locked up, every one 3 minutes long as per settings.
All 3 leds are steady when camera is locked up and only the power button respond to beeing pressed.
maybe doesn't like that card or there's something about its previous use that is tripping it up

in this circumstance I'd think the only way to rule out a previous format issue would be to do a full format back to exFAT mode, the quick format only updates the allocation table, and then format in the camera

maybe @reverend has some thoughts on this, he's good with this type of thing
I'll do some testing here as well mate after I've dropped the kids off - I haven't sent those Sammy cards back yet so I'm giving them some right hammer in various cameras!
Thats allso what i was thinking, have been using express format up till now.

I acknowledge the score of 2- 0 to the SG, but now i am bringing my A-game :D
And 13:30 i am at the doctor getting a dose of performance enhancing drugs ;)
Not more Viagra I hope? Dangerous that stuff :p

I have seen some random quirks lately that formatting cards via SDFormatter seems to help with.

It will be interesting to see if the cam uses a different block size or something.
hehe mindreader :eek:

Just formatted using sdformatter 4.0

Have not cheked that, will look at that next.

It is funny it recorded 12 perfect segments, but somthing must have heppned when the dashcam wanted to open / start segment 13
Thinking about it SD Formatter won't work here if the camera doesn't do exFAT as it should still give you the card error.

I've just formatted the Samsung 64GB in the camera and will leave it for the day to see what happens - I noticed it formats to FAT32 at that size - think that's the first time I've seen a dashcam do that (usually they go exFAT above 32GB and that's when they throw a strop as they then can't read it back unless it's a Panorama or A7 camera with the latest SDK).


Looks like the camera uses a 64KB cluster size when formatted in cam.
it has its own built in formatter to do FAT32 with large cards, a full overwrite of the card back to exFAT should clear up anything questionable I would think, once that's done then format in the camera
Still recording here after motivational format with sdformatter 4.0 before the format in camera, will let it run untill i am sure it is deleting old files.

1 ting is sure it is way past the 12 files it did with last win 7 format.

Hope to win this one and make the score 2 - 1, then i just need 1 more win to tie the match.
Just did a GPS check, stopped the recording turned off cam, looked over SD card in computer, and all was good and still 10 GB room on the card.
Started back up the camera after what i estimate was a 2 minute break, and this time the cam was 3:17 about getting a GPS fix.

Got a good feeling about this one, have relocated cam closer to my tv so i can see if it go solid LED again.

To be honest i was sure it was full by now, but as soon as i saw just 130 or so files i knew it was far from full, and a closer look verified that.
10 more Gb and the score should become 2 - 1 in favor of Street Guardian. :)
Bingo ! :)
I can confirm that with a initial motivational format using SDformatter 4.0 ( exFAT ) in stead of the format routine from windows 7, my SG dashcam have no problem using the 64 Gb SDXC card from kingston mentioned in #1

In SDformatter i used the full ( erase ) and format size adjustment ON and let the software format my 64 Gb card to the native exFAT
Putting the card in the dashcam then give a card error MSG on the screen, so i additional format in the dashcam is needed to get the 64 Gb card to work. ( dashcam format to FAT32 )
After in camera format it have been smoothe sailing here, the card have filled up and have started to delete the older files to make room for new footage, so far i am at + 1 hour of footage with 167 3 minute video files on the memory card.

I will let the card remain full as i now start to investigate GPS fix times for cold and warm boot, all this yanking the power now and then might stress the file system even more so i am going with that.

I will call this 2 - 1 in favor of Street Guardian, and i will keep that score untill the governing body of the dashcam world say otherwise :D

BTW: forgot to mention, running these long recordings, this is the coolest dashcam i have ever handled after a long recording session, its so cold i can barely feel the dashcam is warm.
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Mega - mine has been running fine all day mate on the 64GB card too - I'm just going to let it run until my Anker runs out of juice :)
Not able to do a fair GPS fix analasys here, the antenna in the window sill is too bad, just now when i plugged it in it had no GPS fix after 8 minutes.
So i will have to spend some time in the car one of the comming days, this is allso more fair as in the car is where its supposed to be used.